Last January, we lost out pitbull, Stanley, from lymphoma. We swore no more dogs for a while. We were down to 1 dog, Norm, and losing Stan was our most painful pet loss by far. But, as time went on, we felt it was time to add a new family member- for us and Norm.
We had been looking for some months, looking for the perfect match, preferably a bully breed/mix. I stumbled upon Buddy (now Bert) on the PAWS rescue page.


Besides being ultra handsome, he seemed like he could be the one – he was being fostered by the wonderful Debbie, and living with other dogs. Although living in a foster home was not a requirement for us, because Bert was being fostered, we could see more of his true personality and how sweet he is and how well he was getting along with his housemates. When we got to meet Bert, we fell in love right away. We took the night to decide, and Debbie graciously kept Bert for the week until I could get down there to have him meet Norm and pick him up.


Norm and Bert are doing so well together, and we are of course in love with him too. We have some leash work to do (Bert is strong and a puller!), but he is the sweetest guy, and truly such a great dog. We are so lucky to have found him, and so grateful for PAWS rescue and Debbie for giving him such a wonderful foster home. Thank you for ALL you do!

From The Mitchell’s